Micronesian Conservation Coalition (MCC) is accepting four new MCC TEAM members. If you’re interested in marine and terrestrial science, educational outreach or administrate duties of a non-profit NGO now is your chance. For ten years MCC has been serving the community and building capacity throughout the region.
To apply, send MCC two brief paragraphs: the first paragraph about your background and why you want to be a part of the MCC team, and the second paragraph about how the position will contribute to your career. Email this to: micronesianconservation@gmail.com
Deadline to apply: March 1st 2025
Positions available:
Marine Science
Terrestrial Science
Educational Outreach
To learn more about MCC, please check out the their website: https://micronesianconservation.org/
or follow MCC on instagram @micronesianconservation and Facebook at Micronesian Conservation Coalition