Auchean esinesin ren tumunun ochen setin fonuwach

Sipwe tumunuw matawach an epwe tumun pun meinisin repwe ani feiochun

Ochaach kewe mi pweni aruun founach kei ra tumunu kich seni watten noo me awora ekkewe ikk ach sipwe mongo. Ika sipwe tumunuw ochaach kei, iwe epwe noom ngeni kich non ekkan ier epwe feito.

Ifa usun ach sipwe aninis

Ekkewe monun neset mi efeingaw

Ren tumunun inisum , mi och kopwe sinei met mi nom winiorum, kopwe tumunuw esap pacheri inisum ekkei monun neset.

  • Barracuda graphic


  • Blue box jellyfish graphic


  • Dark blue crown-of-thorns sea star graphic

    Poko mi chon unen tonan

  • Green moray eel graphic


  • Grey shark with black-tipped fins graphic

    Poko mi irapenges chamwan

  • Yellow fire coral graphic


  • Pinkish-red lionfish graphic

    Seew, eerer, rarenweno

  • Hammerhead shark

  • Blue Portuguese man-o-war graphic

    Nisow, Nisaw

  • Dark blue sea urchin graphic


  • Red with yellow spots cone snail graphic

    Pwecharen neset

  • Grey and white stingray graphic

    Sikach (Feeii)

  • Stonefish graphic


  • Orange bristleworm graphic

    Choukon neset

Eerouren tutumun me non saat

Kopwe fakkun tumunoch me mwen kopwe totiw non ewe saat, kopwe nengenochuw ekkewe esisin mi nom won ewe tower.

Kosap tuken ika pue ewe funaik mi parapar mi kouta ika itita.

Ika pue ka nom non oout mi pochokun, kosap nuokus, kosap omun om kopwe fiu ngeni ewe outout, kopwe chok appas tori ka meli pue ewe outout a kouno iwe ka tongeni omun ngeni won fonu.

Kopwe echiechi fansoun om tuken

Aea ekkewe minen appas

Ren porousen noono, asapwan, me tichikin porousen kuun me koot, iwe ka tongeni kokkori 211 ika tonong non ei website

Non fansoun osukosuk kokkori 911

Ren osukosuken mota ika chon tuno neset iwe ka tongeni kokkori 1-671-355-4821 ren an US Coast Guard aninis

Annukun ataw

Non Guam a wor nimuw (5) kinikin mi tumun, ekkei neni ese fakkun mumuta ataw non.

Ese fakkun mumuta om kopwe:

  • Nikapich ika antios

  • Angei ekkewe Pwaset ren penichon, penik, eninap, ekkewe ekkoch pwaset, aan mi manau are ma me puan ekkoch monu manau non ekkei neni (Angei pii, peen maan/ pwaset, faw, iran neset, chia me puan ekkoch)

Tichikin annukun ataw ren ew me we ekkei neni

    • Seni won piepi - kopue chok aea pow me kotur epino ren om kopue angei ekkei sakkun ikk.

      • Kirach

      • Ikefeen

      • Ikefeen epue 3" ika kukkun seni

      • 4" cheris ika ommai me feinisi

    • Seni nepokun ooch- ka chok tongeni nounou chew re nom kopue niapeni

      • Kirach

      • Ikefeen

    • A chok mumuta om kopue ataw non ei neni ika mi wor noum permit, ika taropuen mumuta ren ekkoch sakkun ikk

    • Kopue kokkori ei neni Piti Mayor ika en mei tongeni noun permit won ei tengwa nampa  (1-671-471-1232).

    • Ese fakkun mumuta ataw non ei neni.

    • A mumuta ataw ika mei wor noum permit ika taropuen mumuta ren ekkoch chok sakkun ikk.

    • Kopue kokkori ei nen Merizo Mayor ika en mei tongeni nounou permit won ci tengwa nampa (1-671-828-8312).

    • Ka chok tongeni aca pow ren om kopue ataw non ei neninge seni chok won piepi.

Ka tongeni essinei ngeni ei neni TOKA ika mei wor aramas mi atai annukun ataw non ekkei neni won ei tengwa nampa 1-671-864-8652

Ataw non oukukochun ika tutumun

Ekkewe ikk ra fakkun ouchea ngeni ekkewe ooch. Ew me ew sakkun ikk mi wor wiser - ekkoch ra enni ekkewe nuum iwe a tumunuw an esap watteno pun ese angawano ewe ooch. Ekkoch ra ochei ekkewe kukkun ikk an esap kon nien chommong. Ekkoch ikk ra kan nimeti unuchen ekkewe ekkoch ikk ren ar repwe nimenimoch. Iwe fansoun sipwe angei chommong ikk iwe epwe tongeni angawano ochach kewe. Iwe sipwe achocho ngeni ach sisap kon anapano ach sipwe angei ekkewe ikk nap seni met kich mi tongeni aea, iwe ren na wewe, iwe oochach kewe repwe nonnomoch epwe tongeni anisi taapin me taapin aramas!

Ekkoch Eeureur ren ataw oukukoch are tumun

  • Angei chok ukkukun kopwe aea

  • Oponueta ekkewe annukun ataw non ekkewe neni mi tumun.

  • Kosap nikitano noum chew non ewe saat.

  • Kosap oturu om we angko won ewe ooch.

  • Kopwe aea ekkewe paiaow ika oturu ikkewe mi pi ika pwechepwech ia.

  • Kopwe ouku ewe ikk fansoun mi chiwen manau ren om kopwe sinei ika ewe ikk mi tori ukukun ewe mi mumuta ( a wewe ngeni ewe sia kan apasa L50)

    • iwe eniwinatiw non ewe saat ika saisin ewe ikk mei kukkun.

Vibrant green hillside with the ocean in the background

Neman ngeni neset

Photo by Guam DoAg Forestry

Met sia fori me won fonu mi tongeni angawano non setich we. Pingaw, nimengaw, me puun mi putiw seni won chuk non kewe oura, ouwo, chonupupu ra putiw non ewe saat. Sipwe tumunuw piach kewe ren ach sipwe tumunu me won fonu.

Manenong kapich non ekkewe nenien kapicjh, nge kosap nikitatiw won puun.

Kosap keni kewe kapich ika okueta ekkei.

Kosap sa non ekkewe neni mi pwakak.

  • Two navy blue fish with white spots and one white fish with yellow fins hover above a greenish brown coral
  • A tranquil beach with light beige sand, turquoise water, and two unusual rock formations on the sand with green sloping land in the background
  • Soft finger-like coral with the blue ocean in the background
  • Four large manta rays swimming underwater near a reef
  • A black and white striped fish looks at the camera while hovering above a colorful coral reef
  • Bright green seagrass in light beige sand swaying in the waves underwater
  • A school of black and white striped fish swim above light beige soft coral
  • Several bright green mangroves with red roots growing in the water
  • Small black and white striped fish hiding under staghorn coral on a vibrant reef
  • Purple tips of textured, pointy hard coral up close
  • A large peach-colored snail shell rests on the white sand underwater in front of seagrass beds
  • A rainbow striped fish hovers above a colorful coral reef
  • Tropical fish swimming on a sunlit reef
  • The ocean with various shades of turquoise and blue, with a large land mass and tall white buildings in the background
  • A bright orange patterned fish swimming near orange/brown coral with a blue ocean background
  • A dense mangrove forest standing in teal-colored water
  • A school of black and white patterned fish hovering above a coral reef
  • A tall skinny mangrove sapling sticking up out of the blue water with blue sky in the background
  • Three small fish, one looking right at the camera, swimming next to a green coral colony

Kinisou ren om ekieki tutmunun oochach kewe!
